Monday, October 15, 2012

Ethnic Heritage

Today in class we went over our blogs for friday about religion and how some religions started and may have been a accinden. Like Christianity that maybe Jesus did't try or mean to make a new religion. That maybe he was just trying to clrafly the Jewish religion not make the religion of Christianity. But there is nothing we can do now we can't change the pasted. We also talked about other religion and who founded the religion and how may gods did they worship. We also talked about Ethnic Heritage that is like your race and where your family came form. Like my family Clarke came form Ireland it was my great great grandfather and great great grandmother came form Ireland  I am very Irish. But ethnic heritage can also led to war like in Ruanya. The Hutus and the Tutsis are the two domiment ethnic group and they don't like each other. On each side they persecute each other. So ethnic heritage is great but may led to big problems.

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