Wednesday, October 24, 2012

boom Ecak

today we had to go out side for a boom evauaion cause a couple days the same thin happened the a different school. And in the restroom they found a note saying that they where going to boom John Carroll today at 10 :30 but like we a thought in did not happen whice we are lucky and happy that it didn't so we had to going out side and stay outside for 40 minutes . And all the class where small and alot of people did go to school so that 's how the day went.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Psat week

on class thursday we leraned more about religion but we didn't a lot cause of PSAT that test was hard and easy at the same time but it will help us all out in the furter. The math was easy but the reading was very hard there where some words that i didi't even know they where like 25 letter words that ut it was was okay for the i never leraned but it was okay for the most part in human geo we learn  about ecthic heratiged so it was cool looking forward to leran more.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


In class Jake had a shadow name Franko and Mr.schick test him it was funny and we talked to him for like 10 times. But in class when countued religion like hunddism and how one class a student was teaching the class. And had some good question about culture in the mildeast that Mr. schick anwers and then cause of religion we stared to about tv show like river monster i brought that up and its a great show and every one should watch it. And a movie to me again but its was a funny class and a good class looking forward to having more like that one.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ethnic Heritage

Today in class we went over our blogs for friday about religion and how some religions started and may have been a accinden. Like Christianity that maybe Jesus did't try or mean to make a new religion. That maybe he was just trying to clrafly the Jewish religion not make the religion of Christianity. But there is nothing we can do now we can't change the pasted. We also talked about other religion and who founded the religion and how may gods did they worship. We also talked about Ethnic Heritage that is like your race and where your family came form. Like my family Clarke came form Ireland it was my great great grandfather and great great grandmother came form Ireland  I am very Irish. But ethnic heritage can also led to war like in Ruanya. The Hutus and the Tutsis are the two domiment ethnic group and they don't like each other. On each side they persecute each other. So ethnic heritage is great but may led to big problems.

Friday, October 12, 2012


  • Today in class Mr.Schick is not hear so Mr. Perry is filling in for him and today are work is write three facts about some religions. The first one of the religion that we have to do is Christianity It began in the 1 st centary as a Jewish sect.  A other question was if they have a holy book whats is it? They do have a holy book and it is the Bible and it has to parts to it the Old Testament and the New Testament. And the bible was written by saint Matthew , John , Paul , and Luke. The other question who is the central figure of this religion and the answer is God/Jesus.Is Christianity monotheistic or polyheistic the answer is monotheistic. Christianity has 1.3 billion followers. the geographral concentical is North and South America Russia And asturil.   

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today in class

Today in class we learned about culture and why some people all live it the same area and a lot of other soff too. We leaned that some people the live in countrys life there for a reason like religon and the ecthic groups also languge to. Most people would feel more crafulble in in a city or country that other people speak the same langue so they can understand them and plus it makes you feel more safe. To and going to the store its easy to talk and buy something instaded of all the hasl. Also a reason why people live in a country on city is relgion. and some people feel more safe and clam when that is so. Also some relgions have gone to war and civil war over religon so that is some reason why people life where they do .

Monday, October 8, 2012

essay 3

I would like this year to get good grades and countine to do good on the soccer team. I have made this my goal because it is very importian to me.

I will complete my goals this year buy studying more for test and make sure i do all my work. Cause in the past i did not do so well on test and thats something i want to change.

For the first year i will make sure that my grade are up or work to get them up and adjust to the change of high school.

The 2 nd year i still want to keep my grades up. And also try some new class

3rd Year is SAT year and i want and will make sure i sorce well on it so this year will be a lot of work on a big test.

The last year i going to keep up my grades and have fun but i will alos have fun every year two

got my test back

to today we got are god grew tried of us movie test back i got a 78% cause of spelling back i know i can do better than i did on my test. I reason why i did bad was cause of spelling counted on the test. I got and the right answer but one no the just i didn't spell everything right. Like Dinka so i know i will have to work on mu spelling if i want to get a better grade. My goal is for the test to get a A or a B. t is also Columbus day and we talked about how Chris Columbus divorced America. And how he colnised it and did not found it. Happy Columbus day to all!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Movie Test

Friday we took a movie test on god grew tried of us the test was like 28 questions and was very easy i know all the anwers but spelling had to count witch sucks. Cause if it did i won it and of got i better grade but i think i did good on it anyway. dont realy have any thing eles to say hope we do something fun in class on monday like witch a different movie would be great.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How TO Help

To day in class we talked about what we realy through we could do help help the lost boys and just people in Sudan. I said that w could walk donw the street or farthere to sperd the would about the porblem in Sudan and that any one can help. We also where thinking about trying to rasie money so that we can give to the lost boys foudantion and maybe have John bull Duall to come and speak with us or many be some one like panther. We also look at the sities that put up online and if they where realy good or not. This time doing that no one was deleteing anyones work or putting there name in for someone else work that they did. So this shows that we can handle it and that was just a very bad day for us. But get back to raising money to help the we could have a funraser and have everyone sale thinks and we could have a goal for all of your human geo class to rase 2,000 dolloers the help people and the lost boys in Sudan. And doing that we would also sperd the work that there is still a war it sudan and it needs to be stoped. So i think having a fun rasier will be a great expericne and a leraning opertiant to help otu people who have been thought so so much

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Trying to do work

Today in class we talk about ways to help the lost boys and how are way was good and will do something to help. WE also tryed to work on something online but it was just bad. It worked for like the first 3 mintes they everybody stared to delete everones work and names. And add there my to other peoples work and writting thinks like masson like to eat small puppies. I did't unstand why someone would write that many next time if we try to do it again it will all  work out.

Monday, October 1, 2012

How to help

Today was the last day of the movie god grew tired of us. At the end panther gets married and returns to Afica. John becimes the satruy for all the lost boys and planning to build a medica clinck. Daniel is work on finshing colloge but never found any of his family. After the movie we talked about why to help. I think a great why to help is to send money to red cross for them to help the losted boys in refuge camps. Cause red cross has help the losted boys out already and many other people two all over the world so i think giving money to red cross to help support the lost boys is one of the best ways to help out. But there is still a lot of other great ways to help so get out their and help out. A little help goes a long way.