Monday, November 5, 2012

Facts about world leareders

     Venezuela Hugo Chavez
He has cancer
He also tried to coupd”etrt that is trying to over throw the government
Elected president in 1998

 Germany Angela Markel
She is the first woman to have become chancellor of Germany
She also was a physical chemist. And was secretary general of the CDU
Brazil  Dilma ROUSSEFF she was the first woman in office
36 president of Brazil

Mexico-Enrque Pena Nieto- Member of the institutional Revolutionary Party was the Governor of Mexico before he got elected president.

China-HU Jintao- President of the people Republic of China since 2003, currently the paramount leader of the people of China

India-Pranab MUKHERJEE- was the Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012, was awarded the second highest civilian award of India.

Afghanistan-Hamid KARZAI- On 22 may 2005, received an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Boston University. The talbed was inchange before he came along

Israel-Benjamin Netanyahu- lived in the U.S between 1956- 1958 and again 1963-1967, studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saudi Arabia-Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud-n 1963, Abdullah was made commander of Saudi National Guard, and He is the first Saudi monarch to visit the Pope

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