Friday, November 30, 2012

day2 of the movie

Today i watch the movie agian it was not that good it was about the poor in china and all the trouble they have just to try to live. Like all of the farming that teah do for very little money and it is hard time comsuing work that takes a tole on there lives. So china is werst then us when it come to poor people they a lot worst than us. And a lot people in there country are in a bad place

Day 4 of the china movie

Today we watch more of the movie it was more so the under millded class people who live and work in china. Alos about a doctor who works in china but lifes in the United States. He is working on a

Thursday, November 29, 2012

More of the movie

We watch  the movie again we did not finish it but we learned more about the country and its culture. Like how a lot of people that don't make a lot of money. Put there kid into a good school to hope that they don't have to live there life like them. And that works are not treed very good that all they work hours of hard or trying jobs and if they don't like the pay pr are making to much they firer them. China is a place if you don't want to do the job there is a million others who do.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The movie

In class we stared to watch a movie about china and jobs and how it affects life in United States. We learned about a city call chungpeg its the biggest city you never heard of it have over 10 million people in the city . And it is a place for business for them and us in a part of the city it is mainly and America shops and they making a lot of money. We also learned that a lot of china is very poor the most the a poor man and woman framer together make 600 a year. And cause of so many people some people that have not good jobs make 2 to 4 dollars a day.I learned a lot about and going to learn  more tomorrow.

Monday, November 19, 2012

the paper

Today in class we turned in are papers and toke a test. Back with the paper I didn't know that it had to be double space. But i still think that i will s do good. The  test that we took was easy i thnk that i got a 100% and that will help being my grade up to a A. And after the test wedidn't do any thing at alot just talk and my paper is 640 words.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Class wesday

In class we where told that we have write a 500 word report about to country and what they are like and who is in change. Whats there government and a lot more we also talked about a quiz and what we should do to pepper for the essay And how many points it should be i say in shoud be 100 not 200.

War on the line

today in class we talked about the paper that we have to write it has to be 500 words and about two country's. I am going to do the to i think that i am best at Israel and Venezuela. I think that it may be easy to do. And it is also wore 200 points and that a lot. We also learned that Israel and Pakistan are at the break of war cause today and yesterday they where missal strikes against each other and are perpaering to go to war. So this is very bad cause the two are ready to go to war

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Facts About The Countrys

: Afghanistan achieved independents on August,1 1919 from the United Kingdom.
: Before they had there independents they where controlled by the United Kingdom.
:Where they ever subjects of another country yes to the UK.
: On a map they are in southern  Asia next to Pakistan.

: Brazil achieved there independents on September 7 1822 from Portugal.
: It was Portugal cause they controlled it.
: Yes they where to Portugal up till 1822.
: Eastern South America bordering the Atlantic ocean.

: France has no official date of independence.
: They where not controlled by any other country.
: The first people in the country now know as France where the Frankis  tribes.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Quiz

On Friday we had a quiz that really no one in my class new about cause the day before we didn't have his class so for the most part we just had to go on whats was in are heads and are blogs. But useing my blog it help me out a lot cause if i was stuck on one i could just go back and look on my blog for the answer. The quiz relly was't that hard it was just the back part that i had a little trouble with but for the most part i think that I did good.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Tuesday we a shadow again and it was Jake's again to. We also talked about world learders and cool facts about them and like thing that you would not know about them at all. Like to people coup d'etat there government and where arrested and troutered. Like Hugo and Dilam who tryed to over throw the government and they now are in change of it like how does that happen. Also like davied camene went to one of the best colloges in the world. So a lot of learders have a lot of cool facts about them.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

World Leaders

Venezuela Hugo Chavez
He has cancer
He also tried to coupd”etrt that is trying to over throw the government
Elected president in 1998
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\imgres.jpg

 Germany Angela Markel
She is the first woman to have become chancellor of Germany
She also was a physical chemist. And was secretary general of the CDU
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\imgres.jpg
Brazil  Dilma
 ROUSSEFF she was the first woman in office
36 president of Brazil
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\imgres.jpg

Mexico-Enrque Pena Nieto- Member of the institutional Revolutionary Party was the Governor of Mexico before he got elected president.
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\Enrique_Peña_Nieto_-_World_Economic_Forum_on_Latin_America_2010.jpg
China-HU Jintao- President of the people Republic of China since 2003, currently the paramount leader of the people of China
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\Hu-Jintao-President.jpg

India-Pranab MUKHERJEE- was the Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012, was awarded the second highest civilian award of India
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\Pranab Mukherjee as President.jpg

Afghanistan-Hamid KARZAI- On 22 may 2005, received an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Boston University
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\Afghan-President-Hamid-Karzai-Attends-Three-way-Summit-in-Iran.jpg

Israel-Benjamin Netanyahu- lived in the U.S between 1956- 1958 and again 1963-1967, studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\imgres.jpg

Israel-Benjamin Netanyahu- lived in the U.S between 1956- 1958 and again 1963-1967, studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\imgres.jpg
Saudi Arabia-Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud-n 1963, Abdullah was made commander of Saudi National Guard, and He is the first Saudi monarch to visit the Pope has 35 kids and 12 wifes.w3
Description: C:\Users\clarmat16\Desktop\imgres.jpg

Monday, November 5, 2012

Facts about world leareders

     Venezuela Hugo Chavez
He has cancer
He also tried to coupd”etrt that is trying to over throw the government
Elected president in 1998

 Germany Angela Markel
She is the first woman to have become chancellor of Germany
She also was a physical chemist. And was secretary general of the CDU
Brazil  Dilma ROUSSEFF she was the first woman in office
36 president of Brazil

Mexico-Enrque Pena Nieto- Member of the institutional Revolutionary Party was the Governor of Mexico before he got elected president.

China-HU Jintao- President of the people Republic of China since 2003, currently the paramount leader of the people of China

India-Pranab MUKHERJEE- was the Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012, was awarded the second highest civilian award of India.

Afghanistan-Hamid KARZAI- On 22 may 2005, received an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Boston University. The talbed was inchange before he came along

Israel-Benjamin Netanyahu- lived in the U.S between 1956- 1958 and again 1963-1967, studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saudi Arabia-Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud-n 1963, Abdullah was made commander of Saudi National Guard, and He is the first Saudi monarch to visit the Pope

Class last Friday

On class friday Jake had a shadow again can't remiber what his name was but in class we went over the the test that we took i am very happy that i did good on the test i got a 86% . I am still shooting for that A but I thing that i will get a A on the next test. I only got 7 answer not correted on the test but they all easy but at elsed I got the hard one's right . And i know now the english is the bussnes languge not chines. And at the end of class we sang happy birthday to me cause my birthday is Sunday and buy the way the class was very bad at singing. And i had a okay birthday.